…the sin of trust…

First, the primary text for today…Romans 7:14-24. The Holy Spirit used Paul to write about the struggle of obedience…though I could have authored the passage. Over the past few months, I’ve posted on being self-centered, also on pausing and realizing how big God is. All easy to do, this side of the keyboard.  

Problem is my life is more than “this side of the keyboard.” Sometimes, such as this week, life challenges pull, screech, and demand attention. And then I dive right into living out Romans 7. Words I’ve spoken (or typed), verses I’ve studied, prayers I’ve made…all seem to dissipate. Even when I see how my ‘concerns’ are small compared to what others around me are going through…I still fall back to self-centered ways.  

God, thankfully, taught me another lesson…and hasn’t left me alone about sharing it here. I talk a great game about trusting Him to be big enough. Actually, I do an okay (at least by MY standards) job of trusting Him. I do strive to enter that rest (Hebrews 4:8-13). At least I do to a point.  As the pressures of the week hit me…He showed where I fall guilty to a sin of trust. No, it’s not a sin to trust Him. My sin is where I am trusting Him to fulfill MY plans.  

I, too frequently, put conditions on my trust in Him. I could argue they aren’t real conditions…but my expectations of God doing what I tell Him to do, is adding conditions to my trust. I say I want to trust Him; I do want to trust Him…but what I do is make a plan and then come to Him saying I trust Him to do what I want. The moment my trust is in Him to do MY bidding…I’ve taken over the throne of my life…myself and my plans have become an idol. That is the sin of trust.

My guess is there are a few others that struggle with the same issue…either that or God wants to humble me…it’s probably both.  

Romans 7 may be the primary text for this post…but Romans 8 is the comfort and security we have in Him. (Paraphrase of Jared Wilson from Imperfect Disciple.) When, during prayer time, God nudged my understanding to see how I misused trust…the overwhelming peace from knowing I was His, settled me down and guided me to a place I could pray…Not my plans but yours (Paraphrase of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane). Our God is amazing, loving, and much wiser than we can understand…

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. [Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV]

7 thoughts on “…the sin of trust…

  1. Nope, you’re not the only one who struggles with this. I think I need to reread what you said here. I’m having trouble absorbing it, but I think this ones for me too. I’ve been praying Proverbs 3:5-8 for a while now. “Lord, help me to trust you with all my heart…I know that you will make my paths straight…Lord help me not to lean on my own understanding…In all my ways help me to acknowledge you…I know…”

    I’m struggling bug time… Still… I’m taking those steps and following Him, but I think I’m also doing what you said that you do. I want it my way. I want to be through my valley… Yesterday. I’m trying not to beat myself up, but I’m thinking how do I stop doing that when I feel like I’m failing miserable. I don’t know. I don’t know what I need. God knows what I need. I know this much…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I never thought of my self as self-centered. At least I wasn’t so self-centered until this new season came along. I went backwards…or maybe it just took a tougher season for me to see that I am self-centered. Suddenly I feel like I’m in a vicious circle. Either I’m going to obsess about this now or I’m going to trust God. I’m pretty sure I’m going to obsess….”big eyes* The crazy thing is that I’m exactly like the person I refer to as my “twin.” We’ve just switched Seasons. He’s doing better and I’m doing worse.

    Knowing I belong to God should be settling me down, as you said… Maybe I need to focus on that. What does it mean to belong to Him… Who is He…what does this mean…how does knowing Him help… Why is He so amazing… Yeah… More of Him less of me. I must decrease…He must increase. Lord, help me to do this cuz I’m already convinced that this is a Mammoth task!

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    • Ha…
      Also, replying to all three here…

      The whole obsess, what do I do, I don’t want to do that…want to do what He wants, but stumble. Not excusing it, but it helps me to realize Paul struggled with it too (Romans 7). Keeps me from getting the woe is me syndrome going. I remind myself it’s a race…and I’m not at the finish line yet, but I still need to keep heading that way. Progress in the process…

      The pride thing is at the center of all of our struggles…if we’re honest. We don’t always mark it as such, but when you break it down it comes down to “me”. So the whole I must decrease and He must increase is the answer.

      For me it’s going back to John 15 & Hebrews 4…along with several Psalms. Abiding, resting…realizing it’s not coasting, it does take effort. And I am so grateful that I’m forgiven. So, I thank Him for that forgiveness, pray to access the strength He’s already given me…dust myself off and get back up again (though I confess, I sometimes spend way too much time rolling around on the floor getting dusty).

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  3. Pingback: His Mercies are New Every Morning – God's Kid Speaks

  4. Pingback: …paused for freedom… | Kenn's Komments

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